Could you please help to understand what I did wrong When pressing the Check but . . .

Linux Memory:
Could you please help to understand what I did wrong
When pressing the Check button, getting the following:

- We tried to run '/home/thor/playbook/playbook.yml' on Jump Server but it failed, please try to run the same manually to identify the issue
FAILED - AssertionError: - We tried to run '/home/thor/.

At the same time /home/thor/playbook/playbook.yml is looking as below:

- hosts: all
  become: yes
    - name: "Create file"
        path: /home/webdata.txt
        state: touch
        mode: 0655
        owner: "{{ansible_user}}"
        group: "{{ansible_user}}"

Alex Kachimov:
I guess you need to use instead of

path: /home/webdata.txt

next path value:

path: "/home/{{ansible_user}}/webdata.txt"