Could not create EKS cluster in AWS playground

Hello all , I am facing issue while creating EKS cluster in AWS playground .
Its throwing permission error .

i tried creating cluster via AWS console and CLI , in both methods its throwing permissions error . I tried adding permissions for IAM user , but we dont have access for that

User: arn:aws:iam::381492121472:user/kk_labs_user_280900 is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::381492121472:role/eks_role

Could someone please assist with this issue ? Thanks !!

Hi @saravananb101996

You can use one of our guides to create a managed cluster on a public cloud.


I had the same issue, the eks role that you create should be named exactly eksClusterRole

Thank you now its working , one question can we create cluster using eksctl method in this playground ?

Its resolved , but why its throwing error because of the cluster name ? we can give any name right . is it specific to kodekloud only ? Thank you for your help