Could I take the photo Id and myself before taking the psi exam?


Just want to know if you can take the photos before entering the exam, and just upload when you are able to do it ? I read everything in the web, but I’m still not sure how this step works. Can explain to me how many ways can I do this ? I read that is possible to upload your ID photo before the exam day. But I’m not sure if this is possible.

No idea. You can try, but be prepared to do it again when asked by the proctor. They’re persnickety, that lot.

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Hi @rob_kodekloud: Does the psi browser let you take the photo ? Or you need like and app in phone or something like that ? To be honest, this part it’s doesn’t be well documented and explained in the linux and psi documentation. Also somethings are written like you need to use chrome in the exam in the psi documentation, but after reading a lot, probably is just that the psi browser is a fork of chrome with psi code.