Configure protected directories in Apache failed: scp permission denied

Hi Guys, my task for configuring the protected directory in Apache failed due to not able to copy the /tmp/index.html from Jump host to /var/www/html/sysops/ directory in stapp01.The scp command has thrown me permission denied error.I have done the following steps.
from Jump_host: scp /tmp/index.html tony@stapp01:/var/www/html/sysops
I also tried ip address instead of server name.I also give permission to index.html file.can someone please guide me, where I went wrong and how to do it properly .Thanks.

@nidhincn Try copying the file in /tmp on stapp01 app server first, as you do not have permissions to copy directly in /var/www/html/sysops

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Thanks akshayw for the prompt response.I will try to do that way, if i get the similar tasks next time.No wonder, i wasn’t able to copy to final destination path.Anyway,much appreciated.

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