I am trying to do the following project , but I am unable to figure out how to " Configure a Kubernetes client on **worker node 3** " . Kindly guide me .
As an infrastructure admin, you need to take the backup of an etcd in a file called /tmp/myback. Make sure to have a namespace called cep-project2 with a network policy configured in such a way that all the Pods in the same namespace should access each other. Any other Pods from the non cep-project2 should not access the Pods. **Configure a Kubernetes client on worker node 3** in such a way that user4 should have only view access to cep-project2. Update the master with the latest version of the Kubernetes`Preformatted text`
OK, this is not readable… let me see if I can get something I can read:
I am trying to do the following project , but I am unable to figure out how to " Configure a Kubernetes client on worker node 3 " . Kindly guide me .
As an infrastructure admin, you need to take the backup of an etcd in a file called /tmp/myback. Make sure to have a namespace called cep-project2 with a network policy configured in such a way that all the Pods in the same namespace should access each other. Any other Pods from the non cep-project2 should not access the Pods. Configure a Kubernetes client on worker node 3 in such a way that user4 should have only view access to cep-project2. Update the master with the latest version of the Kubernetes
To be honest, I don’t understand the question either. But “a kubernetes client” would be installing kubectl and setting up an appropriate kubeconfig file that defines a user with the requested permissions and limitation.
Sir , I am pasting the exact text of the task .
Following is the task given : Backing up the Etcd Cluster Data
Project Agenda: To take the backup of an etcd cluster in a file
As an infrastructure admin, you need to take the backup of an etcd in a file called /tmp/myback. Make sure to have a namespace called cep-project2 with a network policy configured in such a way that all the Pods in the same namespace should access each other. Any other Pods from the non cep-project2 should not access the Pods.
**Configure a Kubernetes client on worker node 3 in such a way that user4 should have only view access to cep-project2**.
Update the master with the latest version of the Kubernetes.
Tools Required: kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet, and Docker
Expected Deliverables:
• Creating and verifying the namespaces
• Generating a certificate and private key in the worker node
• Upgrading the Kubernetes cluster with the latest version
• A Kubernetes cluster with high availability enabled
Queastion : How to Configure a Kubernetes client on worker node 3 in such a way that user4 should have only view access to cep-project2 ?
Does it mean creating a new user - user4. if so can it be created on Node-3 ?