Concerning Labs: Please provide nano as an alternative editor!

I’m just doing the ansible advanced course and am shocked that you force vim on all users, with no alternative to be had. I really really REALLY hate vim, can’t stand this dinosaur of an “editor”, nano is now the standard on pretty much all Linuxes. In the Kubernetes course, I always installed nano for the labs and it worked, in the ansible labs I cannot. Could you please ease the pain for all of us that don’t want to use vim and install nano also???
The labs are getting a lot worse if somebody “missionizes their favorite editor” on us.

You are perfectly at liberty to install it yourself at the start of the lab. Most of the performance-based professional certification exams also allow you to install any package which is part of the operating system distribution (anything for which you do not have to add additional package repos).

sudo yum install -y nano

Ansbile labs are centos, so use yum. Kubernetes labs are ubuntu, so you would have used apt

Vim in fact is much quicker to format YAML files if correctly configured.

Which ansible labs can you not install it (please provide links to such labs)? Either way I have raised a ticket with the labs team.