Let us now try to commit the changes. Try to commit the changes with the message Added fox-and-grapes story . And you might get an error that says Please tell me who you are
This is because Max has cloned the repository, but Git doesn’t know who Max is. Max needs to tell Git his username and email address. For this use the command git config user.email "[email protected]" and git config user.name "max"
The issue is that i’m running the “git add” & " git commit" commands from max(master)$ and it gives the error:
fatal: unable to create /home/sarah/story-blog/.git/index.lock: Permission denied
Try the following command: sudo chown -R <owner>:<group> .git
In your case, I can see that the username is sarah so It would be sudo chown -R sarah:sarah .git
[/quote]The issue is that i’m running the “git add” & " git commit" commands from max(master)$ and it gives the error:
fatal: unable to create /home/sarah/story-blog/.git/index.lock: Permission denied[/quote]
Hi, I ran into the same issue, but it´s supposed to be that way. In the next question you´ll see this:
"If you ran into an issue it is because the repository is public but not everyone can change
it. It is public but read-only. To push changes to the repository you need to be a collaborator or a member of the project.
The account owner - Sarah needs to add you as a collaborator. While logged in to the Gitea UI as user sarah go to Settings → Collaborators of the project and add max as collaborate with Write permissions.
Use Sarah’s credentials:
Username: sarah
Password: Sarah_pass123
were you able to add max? I am getting the message that “the user is inactive” and it impacts all next steps. @Tej_Singh_Rana appreciate you could help.