I’m unable to answer this question, as I bump into the docker rate limit issue again:
Please advise
We’re still working on getting trivy to work correctly, but it’s not ready to release yet. For now, try the following, which may work for you:
k -n delta get po -o custom-columns='I:.spec.containers[].image' > img.txt
for i in $(cat img.txt); do crictl pull $i; done
My tests doing this approach work for this lab, since the way we currently have trivy wired up will look first in the containerd CRI store. Since the images are found there, you should avoid bumping up against the docker hub rate limit.
Can you please provide a full solution?
I’ve wasted more than 3 hours trying to bypass the issue but to no avail, would love to see how you do it and learn from it.
Hi @camelel ,
Did you get a chance to go through the recent changes that the team has made? You need to use the image:tag
together while scanning the image.
I will check it and update.
Sure, thanks!! Please take a screenshot of the error if you encounter any issues.