CKS exam experience

Today I sat for CKS exam.My opinions given below:

  1. Only kodekloud CKS course is not enough for 100% score.
  2. Exam time is really short. I think it’s impossible for 99% people to answer all the questions in 2 hours
  3. You literally don’t get enough time for testing your results.
  4. There was one question about tls that you need to delete some tls protocol between kube API server and etcd. Not sure whether I have seen any kinds of practice in anywhere like kodekloud or killer koda
  5. Most of the questions are really easy but again there is no enough time to do everything.
  6. Time and time and time. This is all I can say.
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You are right. i also faced tls question and my reaction was "I am seeing this first time :slight_smile: "

Please suggest me resources or tips to deep dive in tls, falco and dockerfile analysis related questions. from where i should study more? how to study? i have 1 attempt left and i truley want to pass CKS this time.

Your suggestions would be a great help for me.

See my previous answer to you. DevOpsCube CKS Study Guide, and the Killercoda CKS Playground is a good complement to the KodeKloud labs.

I skipped the TLS question. I had seen this somewhere, but can’t remember where. KodeKloud’s CKS course? The Killer Shell CKS course? I had no time to look for the docs. I lacked time to answer 4 questions out of 16.

I got the passing grade. I’m disappointed, but I got the certification. If I take the exam again in 2 years, I know I’ll have to practice a lot more, practice, practice and practice. I just had no time, because I mistakingly enrolled in the exam way too soon, when I’d just begun the CKA course. At least I have 6 months to pass CKAD.

I agree with you. I was about to write the same answer