Cks-challenges course is not updated for ages

CKS challenge kubernetes version is on v1.23 and ubuntu version 18.x. which makes most of the questions given in the labs obsolete. There are couple of issues too.

  • no alias k=kubectl set
  • no kubectl auto-completion in place

Kindly fix it.

Hi @thamaraiselvam

Thanks for highlighting this. Our lab team has taken cognizance of this and is already working on it.


One more question on this topic: are there any plans to update CKS Mock Exams in the CKS course and the challenges in the Challenges - CKS course to reflect the recent changes in the CKS exam? Maybe even a full Mock Exam Series, similar to the CKA one? In my view, mock exams are just as important - if not more - for the actual exam preparation as the main course and labs. It would be great to see them updated and expanded.

@Santosh_KodeKloud Check out my previous question please.

Hi @anforesbs

As you might know, we have updated the CKS course content to align with the Linux Foundation’s curriculum. The labs for the same will be introduced very soon.

Currently, I am unaware of any update plans for CKS Challenges and Mock Exam Series.

We will surely inform you once we have something to share.
