CKAD Mock Exam Queries

I attended Ultimate Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Mock Exam Series - Mock1.

there is a question, please set the context to cluster3 by running:

kubectl config use-context cluster3

One co-worker deployed an nginx helm chart on the cluster3 server called lvm-crystal-apd. A new update is pushed to the helm chart, and the team wants you to update the helm repository to fetch the new changes.

After updating the helm chart, upgrade the helm chart version to above 13.2.9 and increase the replica count to 2.

NOTE: - We have to perform this task on the cluster3-controlplane node.

You can SSH into the cluster3 using ssh cluster3-controlplane command.

my doubt:

I tried with the below steps

  1. Run the following command to change the context: -
    kubectl config use-context cluster3

  2. Log in to the cluster3-controlplane node first
    ssh cluster3-controlplane

  3. then I typed helm ls and getting the error helm command not found. I tried to install the helm in cluster3-controlplane, but getting the error.

I followed the steps that mentioned in the solution as well, but helm command is not recognised

Kindly help me on this in urgent basis. Refer the attached screenshot for error

Hi @shanmugam.saravanan
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, we’ll report it to the concerned team and come back to you ASAP


There is a question in mock test for ingress

For this question, please set the context to cluster3 by running:

kubectl config use-context cluster3

We have already deployed an ingress resource in the app-space namespace.

But for better SEO practices, you are requested to change the URLs at which the applications are made available.

Change the path of the video application to make it available at /stream.

But I do not find existing ingress resource in app-space namespace. Attached the screen shot for your reference as well.

There is a question in mock test

For this question, please set the context to cluster1 by running:

kubectl config use-context cluster1

In the ckad-pod-design namespace, create a pod called ckad-busybox-gsqodeuykj that runs a busybox:1.28 image.

The pod’s container should be named busybox-server; the container will sleep for 3600 seconds.

For this , I created yaml file as below and applied. the pod was running successfully.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
creationTimestamp: null
run: ckad-busybox-gsqodeuykj
name: ckad-busybox-gsqodeuykj
namespace: ckad-pod-design

  • args:
    • sleep
    • “3600”
      image: busybox:1.28
      name: busybox-server
      resources: {}
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Always
      status: {}

But the mock exam validated as failed and mentioned " * required command available not correct". Below is the solution mentioned. But I do not see any issue with my yaml file. I could see the difference is I have mentioned the sleep 3600 under orgs instead of command. But both does the same operations. Kindly clarify me on this

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
creationTimestamp: null
run: ckad-busybox-gsqodeuykj
name: ckad-busybox-gsqodeuykj
namespace: ckad-pod-design

Hi Technical Support Team
It would be great if look into all the above queries and respond it ASAP

Hi @shanmugam.saravanan,

Please don’t add different issue on the same ticket, he becomes difficult for other students to follow the discussion.

Please remove concerned question and create a different ticket.


HI @shanmugam.saravanan,

You apply args instead of commands see the link below to better understand

You need to use command in this case as requested :

command: ["sleep", "3600"]