CKAD Mock exam 4 - Q6

I have been trying to find the resource with the vulnerable image: kodekloud/click-counter:latest. But unable to find any resource. All the resources are in kube-system ns (if do k get all -A)

So I left the question and ended the test in order to see the solution. But even though I haven’t done any change for the question , the question is marked green so I can’t get the solution. Is this a bug ? otherwise please help me with the solution .Thanks!

Hi @Saha07

Thanks for reporting this. It indeed is a bug in the lab.

I’ll inform the lab team and they’ll ensure this is resolved as early as possible.


Hi @Santosh_KodeKloud , any update on this?
I guess it’s not yet fixed.
Can you please provide me the approach to the question on how to get the resources having the vulnerable image and how to get the helm release that deployed it. My exam is nearing and would appreciate it.

Hi @Saha07 ,

The team has fixed the issue. Please check.

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