CKAD mock exam 1, Q 1

I noticed in the answer of Q 1 that sleep commands were added to busybox container, and that not doing so marks the solution as incorrect.
While I do understand that a busybox container will terminate immediately if no long-running command is given. What I don’t understand is below:

  • In the real exam, should I expect that “sleep x” not to be mentioned in question requirements while still be expected to provide it in the solution. I would personally guess that if no command is given in the question then I should leave empty, even if that will lead to container termination. At the end, maybe that is the final state they want
  • will other commands like “tail -f /dev/null” be accepted.
  • do you think it is better to explicitly mention sleep command in mock exam 1 question to be more clear

Hi @nader939

  • At the end, maybe that is the final state they want

Whenever a question is specifically asked to use a busybox image, somewhere you might get a note saying Ensure the pod is in Running State. At last, we want to create a Pod that’s Running.

So it’s always better to use a simple sleep command so that the container is running.

We’re all blind in terms of how and when the real Exam grader works/starts its work.
It might be helpful to keep such pods running for a relatively long duration, say sleep 1d unless the question asks for a specified sleep duration.

PS: Some tasks might require running scripts using a busybox image, such scenarios are not considered in the above response.

If the pod needs to still be running at the end of the exam, i.e. when it is graded, then a sufficiently long sleep command will do. As Santosh says, 1d would certainly cover it for real exam.
For our mocks, the grading is done as soon as you end exam or run out of time, so anything more than the time remaining is enough, e.g. 3h or 10800 which is 3h in seconds