CKAD exam question

I was wondering if we are allowed to copy yaml code from Kubernetes documentation for CKAD and I know it is allowed in CKA exam … just wanted to see if anyone confirm before I sit on the exam ?

It’s allowed. Just practice as you prepare so you know how to locate a page for a topic quickly, and you know where the good stuff is to copy. But it’s not only allowed – it’s encouraged. Good luck on your exam!

Thanks Rob! As always

So I don’t create unnecessary posts, and because this is related. I noticed that the search of Kubernetes Documentation | Kubernetes searches the whole site, so it also returns results from their discussion forum. Is it an exam fail if you click on one of those by mistake? It’s clear that I need to be extra careful cause it’s happening a few times during mock exams :blush:

Easy enough to avoid. But I assume that the system is set up to notice if you follow links you’re not supposed to follow, so also necessary to avoid.