CKA mock exam results calculation issues

Hello, this is my first post here and I’m new to KodeKloud. I’m preparing for the CKA exam, and unfortunately, I’ve noticed that the scoring for the CKA mock exam isn’t accurate. I understand it’s scripted, and there’s a high likelihood of inaccuracies, but unfortunately, it has happened to me several times out of the 20 tasks in the exam. I even asked a colleague (also a DevOps engineer) to double-check if I was mistaken or missed something. Below is an example from a screenshot - a simple task: create a deployment named app-w101 with image nginx in namespace bar and with 2 replicas. Unfortunately, even such a simple task was not marked as correct, leading to a failed mock exam attempt and frustration. Please address this issue.

Works for me. Does it fail every time you encounter this question?

Hey Alistair - thanks for the quick response - even if it’s not very substantive. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Honestly, I was expecting more than just a “Works for me” :exploding_head: throwaway comment - perhaps some analysis of logs from DataDog/ELK, for example - and if those aren’t available (if you’re not logging that), then at least a polite acknowledgment of the “inability to replicate and an effort to improve quality.”

To answer your question - the tests are random. Running the same set number 8 doesn’t yield the same sentences.

I’ve been experiencing lots of this type issues.

One interesting one was where the order of containers in a manifest resulted in either pass or fail - :smirk:

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You can reasonably report the “order-shouldn’t-matter-but-does-anyway” issues as bugs, since the grader should tolerate those.


My 2 cents.
My eyesight is not 20/20 and I do not have DevOps/Cloud/Plarform/SRE/AWS/Azure/G* in my title.
This give me the ability to see.

This is why @Alistair_KodeKloud can pass this test.

You have better eye than me (maybe because you have “Sauron eye” in avatar ). So this is a typo not a bug. Tricky :poop:

I created app-w101 deployment instead of app-wl01

Thank you for explanation

I will not say the question is Tricky :shit:.

Intuitively, the name app-wl01 make sense, APPlication Work Load 01

Nice catch - @tsanghan

I did not bother to dig deep as I’ve encountered quite a number of issues and just assumed it was one of those - live and learn!

Anyway, in the CKA course, Mumshad repeatedly says it’s best to copy and paste. I’ve been following that religiously. And now understand why he insist in Copy/Paste. These sorts of tests you are paying attention. On a 4K monitor with no scaling, copy/paste is a must.

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Thanks for your good advice. I will do my best next time. :nerd_face:

Also good advice is to copy the resource name from the question and paste to the terminal. This will avoid typos.