CKA Labs . Practice Test Backup and Restore Methods 1 - Errors


I’m ggetting some error at last step of the lab.

After edit the etcd.yaml file, it tried

kubectl get po -n kube-system

Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User “kubernetes-admin” cannot list resource “pods” in API group “” in the namespace “kube-system”

I’ve followed the solution.

Also, I noticed that when I run the command snapshot restore, there wasn’t the output

mvcc: restore compact XXXXXX

Maybe it’s related ? Thank you

Sounds to me like there is an issue with the backup you restored which is causing etcd not to start properly. restore compact generally means it is not happy. There should have been other information printed.

Go onto the controlplane node and run crictl ps command to see if the container is running or crashing.

Know how to debug crashing control plane pods.

It seems like restore compact always shows up after the snasphot restore command (at least in labs) but not in this lab, that’s why I asked

Yes, crictl ps -A and etcd is running correctly

I don’t know if it’s lab issue, or the solution process

It is working. It can take a minute or so for the cluster to stabilise after restoring.

it does not work for me either. I got the same output:

Error from server (Forbidden): nodes is forbidden: User "kubernetes-admin" cannot list resource "nodes" in API group "" at the cluster scope

But in my case it was my fault. I changed the wrong path in the volumes section in:

