CKA EXAM, Question have issue and not able to go through

Dear Team,
I spend so much time on one question where I had to take backup of etcd server. The use ca cert and key file but they are in peer.crt and peer.key name. I used built-in snapshot but when I run the command I saw error not able to read .key file. I wasted so much time on this and still not able to find out what I am doing wrong. Any help please?

We can’t discuss individual questions from the exam here; it violates the the NDA for the exam that both you and we agreed to :frowning: Sorry!

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Thanks, I just updated the question. BTW this question is in ultimate mock exam number 3. In solution it show the same solution as I am trying. I am missing something and not able to perform backup.

I just went through UME #3 and cannot find a question that fits that description. Could you please check the exam and question number?

Have a look, If I use this approaches,

I also look for that but didn’t manage to find the exact question. I found one in Mock exam of 3 from Udemy course but it is working. This is command ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints= --cacert=/etc/kube
rnetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/e
tcd/server.key snapshot save /opt/etcd-backup.db
Snapshot saved at /opt/etcd-backup.db Lets say If I see an error that key don’t have permission OR not working Or any other issue of crt or key. What possibly be the reason? Are there any other way to take backup of etcd? Or I need to have sudo or Su access ?

I also found related, question. Etcdctl backup - permission denied exception - General Discussions - Discuss Kubernetes Do we ned to install etcd again even we already have it installed.

Not sure how that old K8s forum post was resolved. In that case, it’s possible that the cert file just wasn’t in that location. But that’s not relevant to one of our labs, or even the exam environment, which uses kubeadm installs exclusively.