Hi @vijin.palazhi @mumshad KodeKloud Team,
As the CKA exam version has changed , what topics from our courses need to be relooked or modified for the new CKA version. Our course is updated for version 1.21 and feel the kubeadm setup may have some changes in new version. Specially the below point would make difference:
> * Kubeadm: remove the automatic detection and matching of cgroup drivers for Docker. For new clusters if you have not configured the cgroup driver explicitly you might get a failure in the
kubeleton driver mismatch (kubeadm clusters should be using the
systemddriver). Also remove the
IsDockerSystemdCheckpreflight check (warning) that checks if the Docker cgroup driver is set to
systemd . Ideally such detection / coordination should be on the side of CRI implementers and the kubelet (tracked [here](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/99808)). Please see the [page](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/configure-cgroup-driver/) on how to configure cgroup drivers with kubeadm manually ([#99647](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/99647), [@neolit123](https://github.com/neolit123))
reference: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG/CHANGELOG-1.22.md
Please guide as i’m very near to my CKA exam