Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Upcoming Program Changes

I was planning to take the CKA exam soon, but after reading the recent announcement, I’m unsure whether I should schedule it now or wait for the updated version. According to the announcement, the exam will be updated in the coming months (no earlier than January 15, 2025) as part of an effort to ensure CKAs have the most current skills and knowledge required in the industry.

The domains like Storage and Troubleshooting will remain unchanged, but there will be updates to competencies, including some additions, deletions, and revised language. Any exam taken after the new release will test on the updated domains and competencies, regardless of whether it’s a first attempt or a retake.

Given this, I’m wondering if it’s better to take the exam before the changes are implemented or after, considering whether the updated version might carry more credibility in the industry. I would appreciate insights or advice on how these updates might impact the value of certification.

I prefer not to delay, so I would say before, but that’s just me.

I am currently planning to do both KCNA and CKA. I don’t see why I should wait and then learn the new stuff or adhere to the new changes since the cert is good for two years before you have to renew it. By then, I’m assuming the new changes will be reflected in the course, which, again, will probably take time for KodeKloud to add.

Do you happen to have the link to the announcement you mentioned?

Good point, I’m also planning to take ckad and cks, so some of the new syllabus will be covered in them.

Updated syllabus include these new topics: Helm, Kustomize, dynamic storage provisioning, and troubleshooting network services. Which mostly be covered in other certifications but some topics that will be untouched:
CRDs, Operators, Gateway API, and advanced dynamic storage provisioning, which I need to deep dive seprately.

here’s the link of the announcement:

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