Certificate expiry

I am using the kubernetes 1.12
/var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem is expired but not able to renew.

Jun 01 13:22:23 blt08350050 kubelet[16769]: I0601 13:22:23.576663 16769 bootstrap.go:235] Failed to connect to apiserver: the server has asked for the client to provide credentials

from journalctl -xeu kubelet:
Jun 01 13:22:03 blt08350050 kubelet[16769]: E0601 13:22:03.726187 16769 bootstrap.go:205] Part of the existing bootstrap client certificate is expired: 2023-04-17 02:27:00 +0000 UTC
Jun 01 13:22:03 blt08350050 kubelet[16769]: I0601 13:22:03.726965 16769 certificate_store.go:131] Loading cert/key pair from “/var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem”.

Hi @mr.amiyaranjansahoo

Please follow this GitHub repo to see how to generate a certificate on all steps. You will certainly need to adapt to your case.
