Certificate completed but URL not working

Hello I completed udemy swarm hands on course and labs I have got 100 % completed labs but if I want to see certificate with this URL link i got error: "
All those who wander are not lost.

Did you just mistype your URL?
Or have you discovered a broken link on our site ?!

If you found a broken link, please report to our support team.

Here is URL link when I want to download my certificate: https://kodekloud.com/certificates/course-certificate/download/2DEF13F966CC-2DF173863DDB-2DECF5553C24/

Hi @fejes.kristian,

Thanks for highlighting this. I forwarded your concern to the team. They will check it.


Hi @fejes.kristian,

Where are you having this problem? Can you please share the course URL?



now it is working thank you!