Cannot ssh into controlplane nodes

Hi everyone,

I’m having an issue with the ssh connection into the controlplane nodes. Can anyone help me how to find out root@controlplane’s password?


In the kubernetes labs, you are already root so sudo is not needed.

Also why are you trying to ssh controlplane? You are already on controlplane in this screenshot.

Hello, thanks for the quick answer. Since I am practicing in terminal, I saw in the solution tutorial that the instructor connects to root@controlplane and can see inside the folder. However, I am having trouble connecting to the controlplane node via ssh. Can you explain how I can see the contents of this folder? Here is the link to the practice test and the image of the instructor solution.

You are already on controlplane - the command prompt says so.,

Just run cat /var/lib/kubelet - that’s it.

In the above question, I don’t know how to run the cat /var/lib command to see folder contents

Type it into the terminal and press ENTER


Ah ok - I’m actually not sure how they got cat into that video.

Do this

ls /var/lib/kubelet

and you will see the directory contents.

I recommend you also do the Linux Basics course (it’s on Udemy and KodeKloud). You’ll not survive in the Kubernetes world without knowing that.

I will take your advice into consideration, but I could not think of a different solution because the question solution misled me. Thank you again !

Linux is at the core of nearly everything DevOps. Knowing your way around a terminal and understanding the tools you can use there is absolutely key!

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The instructor pressed TAB TAB.
