Cannot Mark as complete

Hi Everyone,

I’m working on curriculum Kubernetes level 2, for the last task I decided to skip the task since I was stuck (this is embarrassing). And then, I cannot mark the practice as complete, when I tried to add the level 3 to my Active Practice, the practice is locked. I’m using free version, I’m not sure if its related.

I believe that in KKE you cannot skip a task and have the module as complete. All tasks must be passed.

I cannot undo the skipped task, cannot redo the task also. Do you have any suggestions?

There is no REDO against the skipped task?

Unfortunately yes, I cannot redo and mark as complete, so Im stuck

Hi @aliitok ,

Is this resolved? Are you still looking for assistance? Please do let me know.


@aliitok You don’t have any skipped tasks and should be able to mark the topic as complete. Please check.