Cannot create nat gateways aws (unauthorized)

Hi! I’m running AWS playground to bootstrap an eks cluster via terraform. However playground does not allow terraform to create nat gateways. Even through the console it is not possible. Has anyone going through the same problem? (unauthorized)

Also I’m not able to create nodegroups
User: arn:aws:iam::917064418132:user/odl_user_952525 is not authorized to perform: eks:CreateNodegroup on resource: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:917064418132:cluster/xgeeks with an explicit deny

Hi @Fabricio-Carboni,

The labs team work on the permission issue on EKS creation on AWS playground. We’ll come back to you ASAP


Hi, I’m still having problem. Please could you guys solve this problem? I’m doing a interview challenge. I need to deploy my cluster. Thanks