Can you help me look at this command if I got it

above is the instruction that I should accomplish.

after adding the user using the ‘useradd’ command, I finally used this command “sudo usermod anita -d /home/false”

Am I correct?

Hi @ProfT

You could use sudo useradd -M anita

I never use the flag -d as you said. Did work for you ? Just curious.

Remember to do the user in the App Server 2


Hi @carlos140

Thanks so much for the reply.

Surprisingly, it showed me that I had a successful task done and I was very happy until I showed someone who just told me that I was wrong and provided no further help.

Thanks a bunch.

Please I am just curious, do you know if kodekloud is paid version or free?

Thanks @ProfT I’m glad it works. If you are not sure which command to use you can use like in this case “man useradd” , but there is another more efficient option which is the tldr command, check it out, it will save you a lot of time in the future, but I’m not so sure if you can use it in your certifications exams (I’m almost sure that the answer is no ), so please check that by yourself.

What do you mean by Kodekloud ? I’m assuming is the web teaching courses , which if I’m not wrong the answer is yes, but I’m not a KodeKloud Employee, I’m just a nice person who loves CS in general and when I’m waiting for loading labs or I need a rest I come to here :slight_smile: , so please check with an email to the KK team, because I have a annual subscription so I don’t know if there were some changes during this year.

Btw the courses are great and well done, It helps a lot if you want to get certified quickly. I recommend you to wait until November or December if you have the time, because in that time of the year there is black friday or something similar and the prices get very low :slight_smile: (Is in tech in general, you could buy your certifications exams with less money in that period of the year).

Hope this helps you.

Thank you very much. I am very grateful for the help.

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You are welcome @ProfT . Glad it helps. See you around here.