Can someone help me understand why the answer is 4?

Can someone help me understand why the answer is 4?

Does this help?

1st condition : if(a>0) – true, it goes right inside and goes to 2nd condition

2nd condition: if(b<0) – false , 6 is not less than 0. it failed here and goes to elif(a>6)

3rd condtion: if(a>6) – false, 0 is not greater than 6, it failed and moved to else (x=x+4)

4th condtion: x=x+4 , ie; 0+4 = 4 // The answer.

P.S. it won’t go to else: x=x+3, because this else will be gone into if our first condtion fails(see above). See the intendation

Hope this helps!!