Can anyone please clarify, If we need to configure the AuditPolicy for all `chan . . .

Srinivas Padala:
Can anyone please clarify, If we need to configure the AuditPolicy for all changes for pods, configmaps, What should we use under verbs ?

Trung Tran:
Just define level and leave everything empty.

Srinivas Padala:
Ahh… So change doesn’t mean specific verbs like “create/update/delete etc” … excluding get/watch ?

Trung Tran:

Trung Tran:
Yes, I think we only need level and resource (pods, configmaps), all changes will be catched.

Srinivas Padala:
all requests vs all changes for pods would be same here ?

Trung Tran:
IMO yes.

Srinivas Padala:
Thank you :pray:

Trung Tran:
Not 100% sure, they could also ask for verb that make change to resource only, API request verb - API verbs like get, list, create, update, patch, watch, delete, and deletecollection are used for resource requests. To determine the request verb for a resource API endpoint.
So it could be the above list, except get, list, watch.

Srinivas Padala:
yeah, could be… Thanks for immediate response.

Srinivas Padala:
Better to go with empty instead of specific verbs when we ask for change audits as it is too many verbs for generic word (Change) ?
if they really want, they might have ask create/update/patch etc instead of all changes

Trung Tran:
Agree, if I have to make a choice, I would go with the 1st option!

Srinivas Padala:
I went with 2nd because of my over analysis and realised that shouldn’t be the case :smile:

unless a specific verb is asked of, i wouldnt add verbs in the rules.