Bug with task assignment

Hi. Still facing the same issue. Again today Completed the task couple of hours before. Now same task showing the status of Pending

Hi. Still facing the same issue. Again today Completed the task couple of hours before. Now same task showing the status of Pending

Recurrence. Linux Process Troubleshooting disappeared and the same task re-appeared.
My updated list to re-enter:
Missing tasks for @andrzej:
Linux Find Command 300+150 9 minutes
Ansible Basic Playbook 200+100 9 minutes
Linux Process Troubleshooting 600+300 7 minutes
Linux Process Troubleshooting 600+300 3 minutes
Currently visible but potential victims for bug:
Selinux Installation 200+100 4 minutes
Linux Process Troubleshooting 600+300 2 minutes

hi ,I have faced same issue. One of my completed task turned into be expiered, another one is completely disappeared than I had done correctly.

@Inderpreet @Ayman @kodekloud-support3 @mmumshad
My points were again taken away, then a task was assigned which immediately failed because the expiration date was set for today. Please take a look at the issue, it’s a total mess.

@Ayman @kodekloud-support3 @mmumshad

Recurrence. Completed tasks dissapear and experience reset to zero
My updated list for missing tasks of @fst_eng:
Create user w/ non-interactive shell 100+ 50 success 5 minutes
Linux user creation without home directory 200+ 100 23 minutes
IPtables Installation And Configuration 600 + 300 success 13 minutes

Currently visible but potential victims for bug:
Install and Configure Web Application 1000+300 Success 24 m

Question: :wink: :grinning:
might be that the DB that sums and gives feedback to the experience and completed tasks might be down or unreachable? Just saying :stuck_out_tongue:

2nd try.

Now 1 of my completed task is showing expired. I have finished this task yesterday itself.

the task which I just completed few hours ago, disappeared from the “List of Tasks” (Experience Count: 35690)
Current status:

completed yesterday and now this!..

@mmumshad @Inderpreet @Ayman

please do fix this bug .

completed the assigned task… hope this time it will not disappear. (Experience Count: 37190)

it happened to me for the third time since 4th jun I gain no point even I completed my tasks successfully everytime. what a waste of time and effort.

Again my task which I completed yesterday got pending and I had to redo it. Other then this my previous one task is still missing from the list.

This is affecting the points scoring for everyone and also getting repeated tasks continuously. When can we expect this issue to be addressed and resolved?

@mmumshad @kodekloud-support3 @Inderpreet Any update please?

Hi @Inderpreet, @Ayman, @kodekloud-support3, @mmumshad,

I do understand the impact which this bug has created. Adding my name as well in the list :wink:
I’ve completed this task “Linux Resource Limits” twice but now it shows expired.

I know you guys will fix it at the earliest :slight_smile:


@mmumshad @kodekloud-support3 @Inderpreet
I have now done this task for the 3rd time again. Let me see if it will again go back to pending tomorrow:

@mmumshad @Ayman
I have also done SSL Setup Nginx task for the 3rd time again . Please look into the issue


Kept doing the same task for the third time. :slight_smile:

Since we haven’t heard from them for three days. Hope Mumshad and KodeKloud are ok. @Inderpreet @mmumshad :innocent:

even I lost around 1200 points

Sorry guys! There seems to be something wrong. We are looking into this now. @riteshchoudhary2605



I had one Task i did in time but marked as expired, will this be fixed as well or just the disapeared tasks? Cause of the missing and the one expired task i miss 600 Points (2x200+100 each)

Kind regards from Germany,

Updated list:
My updated list to re-enter:
Missing tasks for @andrzej:
Linux Find Command 300+150 9 minutes
Ansible Basic Playbook 200+100 9 minutes
Linux Process Troubleshooting 600+300 7 minutes
Linux Process Troubleshooting 600+300 3 minutes
Currently visible but potential victims for bug:
Selinux Installation 200+100 4 minutes
Linux Process Troubleshooting 600+300 2 minutes
Resolve Dockerfile Issues 400+200 9 minutes