Black Friday Sales - Get upto 55% OFF

Exclusive Black Friday SALE this week! Get up to 55% OFF now :shushing_face:

We hope you haven’t been living under a rock because BLACK FRIDAY IS THIS FRIDAY! :partying_face:

And you know what that means?

If you have been going back and forth on making that first step to join KodeKloud, explore some of the reasons below why our students choose KodeKloud for their #1 learning platform for DevOps:

:heavy_check_mark: Hands-On Labs

We are proud believers in learning by doing! With our standard plan, you can access over 400+ Hands-On labs that are interactive and challenge-based.
Our labs open in our students’ browsers without downloading or installing. It’s hassle-free and focuses on creating an easy-to-learn environment just for you!

:heavy_check_mark: Playgrounds

You have the chance to test and play around with pre-built solutions, such as:
Cloud environments like AWS, Azure, or GCP.
A Docker server.
A Kubernetes cluster.
Playgrounds provide instant access to sandboxed Cloud or DevOps environments which are blank and clean environments for you to play around with.

:heavy_check_mark: KodeKloud Engineer PRO

It’s a revolutionary concept that helps you practically apply all the concepts you learn through our courses by getting your hands “dirty” with real project tasks on real systems.

  • You’ll have the chance to attempt tasks even after they have expired.
  • You’ll have the ability to retry and redo any failed tasks.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to get your tasks reviewed by our experts within the stipulated time.

Link to Pricing :

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I missed this chance :rofl: :joy:

@awantika-kodekloud is there a 55% discount this year please ? I know many people are really looking forward for that !