I’m doing the Kubernetes beginners course. I am the Appendix - Part 1 Kubeadm setup lesson. On my macOS, I am unable to start the vagrant OS for the practice.
I am at the Appendix->Part1- Setup VM/Vagrant portion in the Kubernetes beginner’s course
I have installed Parallels Virtual Box manager and Vagrant using brew install.
The vagrant plugin works, and a normal Vagrant up command succeeds with my Ubuntu 22.04 VM.
The cloned repository at GitHub - kodekloudhub/certified-kubernetes-administrator-course: Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA Course contains a vagrant file that works only with Ubuntu/Bionics64.
A vagrant up command with this Vagrant file fails because it needs the Bionics64 version. This is not available on the Parallels desktop manager.
Any suggestions?
Is there a way to make this work.