Azure Vm creation failed

i am unable to create the VM in azure portal, May i know the reason

how many resources i can create like VM, new resource Group like any

i tried to create Azure SQL Db also failed, if i don’t create any resource what is the use of LAB i have right now?

Hi @cloudlearningk8s ,
Please check allowed services from the link below: -

We are continuously working to add more services.


Please use the default resource group as of now.

i got testvm1 failed which i just followed same, Can you hep on that

{“code”:“DeploymentFailed”,“message”:“At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see Deployment history - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Learn for usage details.”,“details”:[{“code”:“RequestDisallowedByPolicy”,“message”:“Resource ‘testvm1_OsDisk_1_b5fc7d7d9a5d44849b6f08aafa0a33df’ was disallowed by policy. Policy identifiers: '… (Code: RequestDisallowedByPolicy)”,“policyDetails”:[]}]}

Hi @cloudlearningk8s ,
I haven’t seen any issues.
Please check the attached screenshot.

Note: When creating the VM, please make sure to use either standard SSD or HDD, with a maximum size of 128 GB.

For VM it is working but when you try to create Azure Sql service, it is not allowing us to create

Hi @Shadrach-Abraham ,

Thanks for your confirmation.

I will check this.

KodeKloud Support

Hi @Shadrach-Abraham
Can you try creating SQL single zone?

  1. max vcores = 2 for example (General Purpose: Gen5, 2 vCores)

  2. Data max size 50GB, .

  3. Single zone and Backup - local redundancy only

This has been updated in the cloud support document: Cloud Playground Support