Azure playground policy issues

Hi All,

I was trying to create a VNET on azure and logged in Azure playground for the first time. But the moment I went to Create vnet page, it was showing below error I launch the azure playground policy is not allowing me to create any vnet.Can you please help.

Shall I get administrative access for 3 hours labs. not only to this it is hapenning for VM storage and other services

{“code”:“InvalidTemplateDeployment”,“details”:[{“code”:“RequestDisallowedByPolicy”,“target”:“abhisekvnet-Firewall”,“message”:"Resource ‘abhisekvnet-Firewall’ was disallowed by policy.

“message”: “Resource ‘abhisekvnet-Firewall’ was disallowed by policy. Policy identifiers: ‘[{"policyAssignment":{"name":"kml_Policy_main-1bd79efdb8c24422","id":"/subscriptions/a2b28c85-1948-4263-90ca-bade2bac4df4/resourceGroups/kml_rg_main-1bd79efdb8c24422/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/kml_Policy_main-1bd79efdb8c24422"},"policyDefinition":{"name":"kml_PolicyDefinition_main-1bd79efdb8c24422","id":"/subscriptions/a2b28c85-1948-4263-90ca-bade2bac4df4/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/kml_PolicyDefinition_main-1bd79efdb8c24422"}}]’.”,

  • Resource/subscriptions/a2b28c85-1948-4263-90ca-bade2bac4df4/resourceGroups/kml_rg_main-1bd79efdb8c24422/providers/Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls/abhisekvnet-Firewall

  • Operation name ‘deny’ Policy action.

  • Time stampSat May 18 2024 14:31:02 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

  • Event initiated


Hi @tgopi7

You are certainly not administrator in the playgrounds. What can be done and what services can be used is limited by policy. What can be used is detailed on the playground start page.

Note that the most flexible of the regions in terms of what you are allowed to create is likely East-US