could you please help me in understanding, how to take the backup of azure sql server databse.
I tried to perform the action using sql server management studio, but i dont see backup option in tasks. please let me know how to understand and proceed with this task.
Below are the steps to perform the Backup for Azure SQL DB.
Step 1: Export the SQL Database to Blob Storage
Log in to Azure Portal:
Navigate to Azure Portal and log in with your credentials.
Navigate to Your SQL Database:
Use the search bar to locate SQL databases.
Select nautilus-db from the list of databases.
Export the Database:
In the database Overview pane, click Export.
Provide the following details:
Subscription: Select the appropriate subscription.
Storage account: Choose nautilusstorage31365 (as mentioned in the lab description).
Blob container: Select nautilus-container-26162 (as mentioned in the lab description).
File name: Enter nautilus-db-backup (as mentioned in the lab description).
Authentication type: Choose SQL Server Authentication.
Login: Use the pre-populated SQL admin username.
Password: Enter Damin@123 .
Click OK to start the export process.
Verify Export Status:
Navigate to the Storage Account (nautilusstorage31365 ).
Go to Containers > nautilus-container-26162 .
Confirm that the file nautilus-db-backup.bacpac has been created.
Step 2: Download Using curl
If the blob is publicly accessible (no SAS token required), you can download it using the following command:
curl -o /opt/nautilus-db-backup.bacpac <URL of blob from the blob overview pane>
There are multiple ways to achieve this, and the method you tried also works. However, this is the simplest approach as it focuses solely on backing up the database data to a Storage Account Blob, with the option to download it later.