AWS SAA C-03 course presentation PPTs required

Hi Team, I am going through the AWS- SAA03 cource and its awesome. But the presentations for each topic are not updated in the course. please add the presentations to the course same like other courses. Thank you


I do have the same problem, please provide the presentation for this course, thank you

Hello @mahendhar501 and @Abdelhamid-Matter , the team is actively working on it, and the presentation slide deck will be made available by next week. Thank You!

Thank you so much for answering the request

it has been long time since we require the presentation, please tell me how can I find the presentation please?

@Abdelhamid-Matter I would not get my hopes up here. In the course Intro Michael Forrester mentioned that the second half of the course will be available at the end of DEC we are in Feb now and the second half is still not available, I have seen multiple posts where they set deadlines and inform people that content will be available at set dates and simply fail to deliver.

Looks like they are becoming to main stream to keep to their word, or stick to deadlines that they commit to.

@lakshay-kodekloud based on this thread the course slides were supposed to be available by the end of DEC 2023 but we’re almost approaching March 2024 now. I would appreciate it if you could provide some updates on when we can expect the course slides. This reinforces my learning and certification journey. Thanks!


Thank you for your inquiry and your commitment to your learning journey. We deeply regret the delay in providing the course material. However, we’re pleased to announce that the slides for Part One are now accessible in the Course Resources - “Bringing it all together” section of the course. Furthermore, the subsequent segment on design has been released, with its slides forthcoming shortly. We value your patience and understanding as we strive to enrich your learning experience.

Best ,

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Sweet! This is awesome. I appreciate all the efforts that went through this.
Thank you @lakshay-kodekloud and Kodekloud Team! :clap:

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