AWS Level 1 - Additonal test lab had no submit button

Yeah, something odd has happened, I have done all the labs and clicked “Take Test” at the bottom. The test loaded and I did all the required steps (I have pasted the lab instructions at the end.)

But there was no button to submit and test it, so I went back to the curriculum page and the test button has vanished.

The lab was:
The Nautilus DevOps team needs to perform the following tasks:

  1. An instance named datacenter-ec2-t1q2 is already exists.

  2. Create an elastic network interface named datacenter-eni-t1q2.

  3. Attach the datacenter-eni-t1q2 network interface to the datacenter-ec2-t1q2 instance.

  4. Ensure status is attached before submitting the task.

  5. Please ensure instance initialisation has been completed before submitting this task.

Hi @code-noob,

The UI of this test lab is different from what we saw for the KKE tasks. You need to adjust the size using the toggle panel size button. After completing all the questions given in the lab, hit the “End Exam” button.
