AWS Lab is getting assessed incorrectly.Setting Up a Private VPC with an Isolated EC2 Instance

AWS Level 2 lab number 14
Setting Up a Private VPC with an Isolated EC2 Instance.

Feed Back from kodekloud: Security group rule does not allow access from the VPC’s CIDR block

I think I have configured it all correctly but still getting the lab assessed as failed. I have attached the Screen Shot. I have attempted many times without luck.

please let me know if I doing it incorrectly.

Hi @ali.kachwala,

Thanks for highlighting this. I have forwarded your feedback to the KKE lab team.


Hi @ali.kachwala ,

Please check again. The team pushed a fix for this.


I think this issue is not yet fixed, I tried several times but getting same “Security group rule does not allow access from the VPC’s CIDR block” Error again.
Can please take a look.

Hi @sawant.akshay.1305 ,

The above post is a bit old. Please create a new one and share the task topic, level, and name, along with the error screenshot, so we can check again and proceed accordingly.


FYI, I checked again and didn’t face any issues.