AWS EKS nodegroup in lab #Nodegruop #AWS EKS

Hi @everyone
I AWS EKS course # loadbalance lab when i am going to create a cluster with console have node group permission error

User: arn:aws:iam::339713012203:user/kk_labs_user_143792 is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::339713012203:role/demo-eks-role

and without nodegroup I can’t able to create a cluster so any can guide me how to do this in lab please and what is cause of this error


To create clusters used in the EKS course, please exactly follow the following instructions. The course questions are yet to be updated to point to it.

Thanks For Replay
but i doing a lab which is in the load balancer menu where they give a task and instructions to create a cluster from the console but when I am trying to create a cluster I am stuck on node_group because there is instructions about it in the nodegroup in the instruction menu and when I am going to create cluster stuck on Node IAM role
so can you help me about # Node IAM role

Those instructions are out of date as Amazon have changed the console layout due to recent changes in EKS announced at re:invent last month.

The plan for the EKS course is to update question panes to link to the above as building the cluster using Terraform will have it deployed in around 10 minutes, leaving the rest of the lab time for you to do what the lab is about. Deploying it manually from the console is slow and error-prone, leaving less time to complete the remaining lab questions. In a real-life job, nobody ever deploys infrastructure manually - it is always done using Infrastructure as Code (terraform, cloud formation etc.)

It also means that when AWS do change how EKS is deployed, we only need to update a single set of instructions and not every single lab where a cluster needs to be deployed.

If you really want to do it the slow console way, the latest instructions that cater for the recent changes can be found here. Note that the cluster builds for the EKS course are taken from the original playground build instructions maintained by me - so you are talking to the right person :wink:

It is not necessary to have a nodegroup role for these clusters, but how to get round that is not immediately obvious from the console, without the aid of the updated instructions linked in this message.

Thanks for your response no I don’t want to do this with console although I just stuck in this lab and try so many attempts to complete this and spend so lot time to resolve this issue but ok no issue I will follow your instruction as per you git repo


The terraform in its current form isn’t going to work on this lab, now that I’ve taken a look at it because the lab has already deployed part of the infrastructure.

So to get this lab up right now, you’re going to have to build via the console, but for the configure cluster section, configure it using the options on this page. Then it will not ask for nodegroup role.

Hi @m.asif.muzammil

I am working on changes to the terraform to make it properly compatible with all EKS labs. It may also require me to request changes to IAM permissions by the AWS lab engineers. I will inform when I have it all working.