AWS EKS Node Group Access Denied through CLI

I am running the following EKS command and try to create a EKS cluster through the AWS Cloudshell:

eksctl create cluster -f demo_cluster.yaml

Here’s the demo_cluster.yaml file:

kind: ClusterConfig
name: my-eks-cluster
region: us-west-2
version: “1.23”


  • name: ng-1-workers
    labels: { role: workers }
    instanceType: t3.small
    desiredCapacity: 2
    volumeSize: 20
    ebs: true


  • name: aws-ebs-csi-driver
    version: v1.13.0-eksbuild.1 # optional


However, I am getting the following error:
"operation error IAM: GetOpenIDConnectProvider, https response error StatusCode: 403, RequestID: 4407a8bd-c775-4dc7-bebf-d789158de2d4, api error AccessDenied: User: arn:aws:iam::200875716582:user/odl_user_1009723 is not authorized to perform: iam:GetOpenIDConnectProvider on resource: arn:aws:iam::200875716582:oidc-provider/ with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy

Attached please find the screen capture. Can you give me some clue?


HI @Learning-Stack

We’re aware about this issue, the labs team work on it to fix it. Whatever you can use the following workaround

"You should be able to launch EKS with “Self-managed nodes”. As of now “Managed Node-group” and “Fargate Profile” will not work with EKS.

Also, you need to keep in mind below restrictions as well.

  1. choose one of these instance types: *.nano, *micro, *.small, *.medium of t1,t2 and t3 instance class.

  2. choose disk type as “gp2” only.

  3. Maximum disk size per node allowed is 30GB.

In order to deploy EKS; it needs to meet all above criteria."


Hi @mmkmou,

Thank you for your advice. So is the below command valid to run in KodeKloud?

eksctl create cluster --name my-eks-cluster --version 1.23 --region us-east-2 --nodegroup-name ng-1-workers --node-type t2.micro --node-volume-type gp2 --nodes 2

Hi @mmkmou,

when i was trying to learn EKS on playground AWS . i encountered the following error.

User: arn:aws:iam::508800999830:user/odl_user_1120917 is not authorized to perform: eks:CreateNodegroup on resource: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:508800999830:cluster/eks_cluster_demo with an explicit deny

when i search this error i found this communication. I tried to follow your recommendation . So that I created separately 2 ec2 node.

However, i could not add them into EKS cluster!

How can i success it?

Thank you

You cannot create managed node groups on the AWS playground. If you want to deploy EKS, it must be done using unmanaged node groups.

You may either do it manually using the console: [Playground Series] How to create an EKS cluster in KodeKloud Playground?
or with terraform:

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