AWS Code Build issue

Not able to create AWS code build project as it showing access denied error.


Can you share the screenshot of this issue, and also can you check if you create resources in the allowed regions?

  • us-east-1
  • us-east-2
  • eu-central-1
  • us-west-2
  • eu-west-2
  • ap-southeast-1


@trung-kodekloud - I am getting the same access denied error for code build in all the allowed regions. Attached is the screenshot of the error.

@trung-kodekloud – Any update on the above issue

Hello @Satheesh-Thangavel,

I just checked and confirm only below services are supported:

  • AWS CodeCommit (Your own GitHub-like repository for code)
  • CodeDeploy (automate deployment of software)
  • CodePipeline (CI/CD pipeline - Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery)
  • CodeStar (“Develop, build, and deploy apps”)

CodeBuild is not yet supported in AWS Playground.
You can request AWS CodeBuild here: Request a Playground - KodeKloud
