I was trying to create trigger for my cloud build and set my cloudbuild.yaml but keeps this error L:Failed to trigger build: generic::invalid_argument: if ‘build.service_account’ is specified, the build must either (a) specify ‘build.logs_bucket’, (b) use the REGIONAL_USER_OWNED_BUCKET build.options.default_logs_bucket_behavior option, or (c) use either CLOUD_LOGGING_ONLY / NONE logging options
I set my cloudbuild.yaml this way:
build the container image
args: [“build”, “-t”, “gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/gcpdevops”, “.”]
Please help me…
Is this related to one of our courses? If so, please give me a link to the course and lab, so I have a bit more context.
sure,in GCP DevOps Project>sprint 04>lesson 6 ==>this link
I followed all the script from instructor but gives me error which I shared with you earlier.
To make sure your yaml is actually correct, I’ll need you to paste it in again using
# paste your yaml as a code block. Use the </> key to generate the block!!
I’m not sure what was done in the previous lectures to prepare things for using cloudbuild; but having the valid YAML is going to be a first step.
this is code for cloudbuild.yaml
Build the container image
- “us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/$PROJECT_ID/testrepo/gcpdevops”