Ask question without opening topic

Is there a way to ask a quick simple question without opening a topic?

Is there a way to ask a direct question to staff, instructor that does not need a post?

You can, but unless there’s a good reason for it, please open a topic – most questions people ask are of interest to other people, and it’s good that the discussion be where other people can find it later.

Understand, this is more for personal things that would not be of interest to the public as a whole but could be turned into post after if deemed necessary. Could you email me the steps for doing so? Thank you.

Just use the “message” feature for my user; this will work fine.

Hi @Brian-Henderson

DM’s should only be used for sensitive issues like raising a complaint about another user - that sort of thing. If you have issues with your account or subscription, then you need to email [email protected] as they deal with that. Any questions not of a sensitive or personal (would disclose PII like email addresses etc) nature should be public. There is also the general channel on Discord for stuff not immediately related to a specific topic or course.
