As Kubernetes team is currently removing 3rd party content from Kubernetes docum . . .

As Kubernetes team is currently removing 3rd party content from Kubernetes documentation, in case you need to find the exact command to install weave network addon during the exam, you can go to|, look for website repo, and search for The command is still available in non-english pages or at issues tab.

Btw, is installing network addon in the exam curriculum?


Is installing network addon in the exam curriculum? —> Nope, It will be available for you.

Are they not going to update the French version of the doc?

Sooner or later, they will remove it from all non-english pages. That’s why I don’t recommend to bookmark it.
You can go to website repo and you can still search it from merge history or some issues has the link too.
I hope we don’t need it in the exam, in case we need it, there is an option to search during the exam.