ArgoCD and Rancher

Hi all,

I am trying to register a Kubernetes cluster managed by Rancher into argoCD and is failing, does anyone have some example how to do that step by step?

Kind regards,

I’m relatively new to ArgoCD, but let’s see here. First, what is ArgoCD installed on, and is the K8s cluster you’re controlling with it external?

I did a test and installed the current ArgoCD release on Colima, which uses K3s under the hood. The install works AFAICT. And if the (external?) cluster is using K3s, I don’t see how the ArgoCD install would know or care, as long as the DNS server in its cluster can resolve the URI of the target cluster.

What is your set up, in a bit more detail?

Hi Rob, the problem is well described here How to register Rancher managed Kubernetes clusters in Argo CD · GitHub but the solution proposed does not works.


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You could try asking on Rancher’s Slack channel. I’ve always found them responsive to well written queries.