App deployment not working

Hello, I have recently completed AZ-900 course. I have learnt about the App Services, where I can deploy my app. So, I have a Docker image of a app and I tried to deploy it. I have imported the image directly from the dockerhub registry and created the resource. But after deployment, when I am trying to access the app, using the generated virtual ip, from my browser, I am getting the following error. I have just configured the basics and the container part, nothing else.

My guess here is that you used the IP address rather than the “Default domain” on the resource page for the App Service; I get the blue screen if I use the IP for the app service instead. But I got it to work for an nginx:latest container, so you can definitely do this with the playground. I used (West-US region):


Plan Type

App Service plan



Operating System


Instance Count


SKU and size

Basic (B1)Scale up