Ansible Unarchive Module - Missing zip file

This lab mentions that there is a zip file in /usr/src/sysops/ in jumpserver which needs to be unarchived using ansible playbook to all 3 app servers. However there is no such zip file. This concern was raised by other members previously whom were informed to look for /usr/src/devops/ or /usr/src/sysops/ else click Try later button. I have retried later many times but relaunching the lab never created any zip file, so I had to skip the lab. Now I am not able to proceed to Level 3.

Please help by giving the resolution. if there is any valid resolution, kindly activate my skipped Ansible Unarchive Module lab.


Hi @Krreesh-Gorey,
Thanks for pointing out this. I am working with the KKE team to resolve this. I will keep you posted on this.


This issue is resolved. Please try again.


Because of this issue, I had skipped this lab (Ansible Unarchive Module). Can you please activate it so I can try now.

Hi @Krreesh-Gorey,
Once you skipped the task, it can’t be possible to enable it back.


Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana
Then how can I proceed to next Level of Ansible?

Simply go to the Curriculum page and select the Ansible topic from Level 2.