I am trying to answer the first Mock Test question, however having the following issue
When i try to encrypt the admin password from the defult path using ansible-vault it is working
However when the same is used by moving into /playbooks directory it is throwing me an error
Hello @Naveen6903,
Try to use this format to encrypt the string ‘foobar’ using the only password stored in ‘a_password_file’ and name the variable ‘the_secret’:
Apologies… if i am unable to make you understand the query i have
I am able to encrypt the password in the /home/thor directory but not able to encrypt the same in /home/thor/playbooks directory
I just want to understand the reason behind the same
Thanks in advance
I’ve been struggling for 3 whole days to figure this out, I was trying to encrypt the string from within the directory but never tried from a different Dr.
I tried to echo the password within a file and encrypt the file but that doesn’t work of course.
You saved the day with your comment… @Ayman I’d love to know why this is happening tho’.