Am I doing something wrong or something not working ? When I use --previous it . . .

Akhil Addagulla:
Am I doing something wrong or something not working ?? When I use --previous it gives me error. Can someone help me??

Akhil Addagulla:
I assume there is some confusion for the next question I see similar issue. I can see the pods in beta namespace but when I try to fetch the logs it showing up error.

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
and what gives you k logs webapp-mysql-dd… -n=beta?

Akhil Addagulla:
Below is the o/p

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
okay so it looks properly

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
what containers does this pod have (names)?

Akhil Addagulla:

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
k logs webapp-mysql-dd… -c webapp-mysql -n=beta?

Akhil Addagulla:
Session got closed let me re-open it

Akhil Addagulla:
Here is the o/p @Radoslaw Czajkowski

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
okay, so it works properly

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
you used -l flag which is used as a label selector

Radoslaw Czajkowski:

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
hence, no resources found with such labels

Akhil Addagulla:
okay but if I use --previous it giving me error. Check my first screenshot second command

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
So It just not found previously terminated container which is a normal thing

Akhil Addagulla:

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
You need to have a container terminated and then started new

Radoslaw Czajkowski:
To have previous logs

Akhil Addagulla:
I noticed now my container did not even restarted