Access Azure Labs

How can I access Azure Labs? I mean there should be labs where there re instructions and I can practice in controlled Azure lab/ sandboxes based on those instructions.

There are a couple of ways you could go. We offer 3 Azure courses, which include labs. This is offered on our KodeKloud platform, so you’d need to subscribe to the site to take one of them. But depending how far along you are with Azure, this might be a good way to get started.

The other possibility is to get access to our Azure playground, which are a good way to play around with basic Azure access. It’s somewhat limited – since it’s a subscription service, we need to limit some of what you can do – but it might fit your needs. Take a look at the “list of services” before you buy so you know what the limitations are. For access to our playgrounds, you’d need to get our “pro” subscription.