A python app needed to be Dockerized (Docker level 4)

Hello, I have few questions on this task.
I did create my dockerfile but line 2 on WORKDIR keeps on failing, I can see a tag on my image. I dont know what I am doing wrong

My dockerfile


Docker images

Container keeps exiting


The first thing I see is that it appears you are building your dockerfile in the wrong directory
The question says

Create a Dockerfile under /python_app directory

From your screenshot, it looks like you did it in /python_app/src/ which is incorrect and why you get COPY failed.

Next (and you haven’t seen this yet because docker build didn’t get this far), you have only copied the requirements file and not server.py to the container so there’s nothing to run.

Thank you so much for the info.
now I am having this error when I am creating my container.

See the final sentence of my previous reply - that’s your issue!

sorry but I am a bit confused here.
This is the task

Create a Dockerfile under /python_app directory:

  • Use any python image as the base image.
  • Install the dependencies using requirements.txt file.
  • Expose the port 6400.
  • Run the server.py script using CMD.

are you saying that line 3 is incorrect?

FROM python:3.8 # Use official Python image as the base

WORKDIR /python_app # Set the working dir inside the con

COPY src/requirements.txt . # Copy the .txt file into the con

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt # Install Python dependencies

EXPOSE 8086 # Expose port 8086

CMD [“python”, “src/server.py”] # Run the server.py script using CMDPreformatted text

sorry for all these questions but I am kinda new to this. I am trying to understand what i am doing wrong.

You have copied only requirements.txt into the image, but not also server.py so it can’t be run.

There are 2 files in the src directory - both must be placed inside the container

[root@stapp01 python_app]# ls -l src/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   5 Apr 16 03:48 requirements.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 278 Apr 16 03:48 server.py


FROM python:3.8

WORKDIR /python_app

# Copy ALL files from src directory into container
COPY src/* ./

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt


CMD [ "python", "server.py" ]

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Thank you so much for your help. I will try to run it in the morning. I will keep you posted.