1. course only says about the PVC but what we can expect from PV.. Will that be . . .

lalit mohan:

  1. course only says about the PVC but what we can expect from PV… Will that be provided and we just need to create PVC out of PV or Storage classes ?

Question I got was something like
• to create a file on particular location on node.
• Create a pv on that folder
• Create a pvc to bind that folder
• Mount that folder to a pod as nginx root

Daz Mac:
Volumes using emptyDir or hostPath are good to know

lalit mohan:
@AVINASH: When I create PV with hostPath and /path: /tmp/test (which i created on minikube). 2. created PVC with this PV … 3. Mounted that PVC to the POD i get failure… the file which is been created does not appears in side the POd

lalit mohan:
HOWEVER. when I create volume in the POD with hostPath /path: /tmp/test and mount it on same path in POD… File appears inside the pod

lalit mohan:
whts wrong ??

Can you show the yaml files? You can follow the example on below link https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-persistent-volume-storage/

Daz Mac:
@lalit mohan i assume /tmp/test is a directory on the host and not a file. That is what the volume/hostPath is pointing to

lalit mohan:
@Daz Mac: so you mean we should point to file not directory to appear it into PVC ?